Pyramid Attention Network was proposed for semantic segmentation in order to better handle the cases of the images with objects of various sizes by extracting pixel-level details and to preserve the segmentation in the original resolution.

Comparing PAN with different segmentation architectures
Pyramid Attention Network

The architecture of PAN is given above. We can see that it makes use of ResNet architecture for the encoder block. The encoder architecture gives us a high-level feature map. This feature map is fed into FPA, Feature Pyramid Attention.


The pyramid attention module fuses features from under three different pyramid scales. Here they use three convolutions (7X7, 5X5, 3X3) to extract the context. We can see that the original feature is multiplied by the pyramid attention features after passing through a 1X1 convolution. Benefiting from spatial pyramid structure, the Feature Pyramid Attention module can fuse information from different scale contexts and produce better pixel-level attention for high-level feature maps.

After producing a segmented feature map, we need the original resolution of the image. Architectures like DeepLabv3+ or PSPnet make use of naïve bilinear upsampling. PAN uses GAU, Global Attention Upsample as its decoder block.

PAN uses a decoder technique called Global Attention Upsampling that makes use of the attention technique and global pooling to decode the feature map to the original resolution.

Global Attention Upsample module

It is the network that is used to extract the high-level feature map for the segmentation. In the first image, we can see that ResNet has been used.


It is the weight initialization for the encoder network.

It defines the weight for the entire Pyramid Architecture Network. Here, the weights are assigned randomly.

In the above Global Attention Upsampling, we can see a 3X3 convolution being used for reducing the number of filters in the low-level features. The number of filters used in 3X3 convolution is the decoder channels.

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